OEM_UPGRADE_ALERT=Warning, you are about to install the OEM version over the full version of this product. Some features of the full product will be disabled. If you would like to keep the full version of NAV, please cancel the install.
INFO_OLD_NU_DETECTED_TITLE=Norton AntiVirus 5.0 and Norton Utilities 2.0
INFO_OLD_NU_DETECTED2=Norton AntiVirus 5.0 uses the latest technology to detect and eliminate viruses. Because of this, new format virus definitions files are required. Although you are still protected using Norton Utilities 2.0, it uses an older format of virus definitions files for virus scanning.\n
ERROR_NOT_FOR_NEC=This version of Norton AntiVirus may not be installed to NEC PC-98 computers.
INFO_OLD_NU_DETECTED3=To make sure that you have the most current protection using both products, run LiveUpdate from both Norton AntiVirus and Norton Utilities. Version 3.0 of Norton Utilities uses the new virus detection engine so that a single LiveUpdate session from either product will update both.\n
DEF_UPDATE_MSG_FMT=Please specify the path to the file %s
NAV_COMPONENT_NAME=Norton AntiVirus for Windows 95
REBOOT_HEADER=You need to restart your computer.\n
ADMIN_DEF_ARCHIVE=Definitions Archive
REBOOT_NETSCAPE=Netscape Plugins will be configured.\n
REVIEW_INSTALLED_TO= will be installed to
NPS_SHORTCUT_NAME=Norton Program Scheduler
TITLE_CAPTIONBAR=Norton AntiVirus Setup
ERROR_INVALID_OS=You must be running Windows 95 or Windows 98 in order to install this product.
ERROR_DBCS_DIRECTORY=Norton AntiVirus cannot be installed into a path or directory that contains double-byte characters. Resetting default directory.
ADMIN_LU_ARCHIVE=LiveUpdate Archive
SETUP_ALREADY_RUNNING=Norton AntiVirus setup is already running.
REBOOT_INSTALL_DONE=After you restart, install will be complete.
ERROR_LOADING_N32CALL_DLL=Setup could not load N32CALL.DLL.
FINISH_TEXT=Installation of Norton AntiVirus completed successfully.
ABORT_TITLE=Installation Aborted
ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_DISK_SPACE=There is not enough free disk space on the system to install Norton AntiVirus. Please free up some disk space to continue or select another target drive.
REVIEW_STR_NAV_TASKS=Norton AntiVirus setup will automatically:
REVIEW_STR_NAV_TASK1=1) Update startup files
ERROR_ADMINISTRATIVE_RIGHTS=You must be logged in as administrator to install this program.
ERROR_INSTALLING_LU=Setup was unable to install LiveUpdate. Please check that you have enough free disk space and rerun Norton AntiVirus setup.
REVIEW_STR_NAV_TASK2=2) Update the Windows registry
INFO_NU3_DETECTED1=Norton AntiVirus setup has detected an installed version of Norton Utilities.\n
HTML_IF_UNABLE=If we are unable to forward you to the web site,
ERROR_COMPONENT_MOVE_DATA=ComponentMoveData had the following error:\n\nMedia Name: %s\nComponent: %s\nFile Group: %s\nFile: %s\nError Number: %ld (refer to the online help)
SCHED_LU_COMPLETED=LiveUpdate completed
REBOOT_INSTALL_DONE2=install will be complete.
BROWSE_CAPTION=Choose the directory in which the Norton AntiVirus folder and program files will be added.
WIN98_SCHED_SHORTCUT_NAME=Schedule a Scan or LiveUpdate
ERROR_NT_WORKSTATIONS_ONLY=This product can only be installed on NT Workstations. Aborting installation.
INFO_NU3_DETECTED2=Symantec has released an update to Norton Utilities that uses the same latest scanning technology as Norton AntiVirus 5.0. After installing Norton AntiVirus, you should run LiveUpdate from the Norton Utilities program group to update your copy of Norton Utilities.\n
ERROR_CREATE_QUAR_DIRS_FAILED=Norton AntiVirus setup could not create Quarantine folders. Setup cannot continue.\n\nPlease verify that you have write privileges in the install directory, and that there is sufficient disk space.
NAV5_WIN_CAPTION=Norton AntiVirus v5.0
ERROR_CANT_INSTALL_OVER_NON_NEC=There is a version of Norton AntiVirus this was not designed for NEC computers on this system. Please uninstall that version of NAV and rerun setup.
ABORT_TEXT=You have aborted the installation of Norton AntiVirus. If you would like to install Norton AntiVirus please run Setup again.
ERROR_LOADING_INSTSCAN_DLL=There was an error loading instscan.dll.
INFO_NU3_DETECTED3=If you choose not to update Norton Utilities, you will need to run LiveUpdate from both Norton AntiVirus and Norton Utilities to keep both products' virus definitions up to date.\n
SUPPORT_HOWTO=How To Use Norton AntiVirus
REVIEW_SYMSHARED=Shared Symantec files will be installed to
START_PRODUCT_SUPPORT=Product Support Online
NAV_ADD_REMOVE_DISPLAY_NAME=Norton AntiVirus 5.0 for Windows
PRODUCT_NAME=Norton AntiVirus
ERROR_UNINSTSETUP=unInstaller setup failed to initialize. You may not be able to uninstall this product.
REBOOT_NEEDED=After you restart:\n
REBOOT_RESCUE=You can create your Rescue Disk Set.\n
ERROR_MEMORY_SCAN_FAILED=Memory scan failed.
ERROR_READING_CONFIG=Error reading the input configuration file
NAV_EMM386_REMARK=rem - By Norton AntiVirus Setup -
NAV_QUAR_DISPLAY_NAME=Norton AntiVirus Quarantine
NAV_SCANNER_NAME=Norton AntiVirus Scanner
ERR_STR_GET_TOKENS=StrGetTokens failed.
ERROR_GENERAL=General error
ERROR_COMPONENT_MOVE_DATA_INFO=ComponentMoveData Error Information